Chakra Series Blog Vishuddha

Blessings to you, dear friend. Welcome back to the Chakra Series of The Women’s Empowered Health Solutions Blog! I’m so happy you are here! 🤗

We have been moving up through the chakras quite nicely, I hope you’ve been practicing with them and seeing a difference. 

This week we welcome in Vishuddha (sometimes seen spelled Vissudha). We are now in the realm of the spiritual chakras. Remember last time we worked with Anahata, the ‘bridge’ between manifest in the lower 3 and Spirit in the upper 3 chakras? Out of the 7 most widely known chakras of the body, we are at #5.

Let’s pause a moment, take a long deep breath in through the nose and exhale with a deep sigh making an audible sound…. HHHHHHAAAAAAA. Nice! 

Making an audible sound on the exhale tells the body it’s ok to relax. I have to share something funny, this is how my dog and I communicate with each other that it's time to go to sleep. He does it (through his nose, not his mouth) then I follow suit and vice versa, then the lights turn out and it’s dreamtime.

Vishuddha is:

  • The 5th chakra up from the bottom. 

  • Located at the pit of the throat. 

  • Represented by the color blue, sky blue or light turquoise blue

  • Shown having 16 petals (the expression of it’s vibratory frequency)

  • Associated with the seed sound HAM (the A sounds like “uh” in Sanskrit like when you say yog’uh’) 

  • Develops between 7-12 years old

  • Associated with the metal and the planet Mercury

  • Related to the element Ether

  • The essence of communication

  • Tied in with the sense of hearing

“Sound, vibration, rhythm, music, voice, words, communication. These are all aspects of the 5th chakra, located in the throat, literally the bottleneck of the whole chakra system. It’s name, Vissudha, means purification, as the release of sound purifies the energy body for entry into higher consciousness.”

~ Anodea Judith

The chakras are associated with different body parts and organs and sometimes share these parts with other chakras. Vishuddha is associated with:

  • Throat

  • Neck & cervical spine

  • Mouth (teeth, tongue, gums,)

  • Ears

  • Sinus

  • Respiratory System

  • Thyroid

  • Esophagus 

  • Shoulders

  • Arms

  • Hands

  • Balancing of YIN & YANG (Female & Male)

This chakra corresponds to your abilities (or lack of) in the following areas:

  • Strength of will

  • Personal expression

  • Following one’s dream

  • Using personal power to create

  • Capacity to make decisions

  • Communicating clearly

Here are a few ways that an imbalanced (excessive and deficient) Vishuddha chakra presents in both physical and emotional symptoms:

  • Sore throat

  • Issues with the mouth

  • TMJ (lock jaw)

  • Stiff neck

  • Thyroid problems

  • Swollen glands 

  • Tonsillitis 

  • Ear aches

  • Unable to listen to others

  • Gossiping

  • Excessive criticism 

There are many ways to work with healing, balancing, and supporting the chakras. You can use these for Vishuddha:

  • Color therapy ~ Light blue

  • Crystal therapy ~ Turquoise, Blue Lace Agate, Chrysocolla, Aquamarine 

  • Affirmation ~ I communicate my intentions clearly

  • Movement ~ Yin Yoga 

  • Meditation ~ Chanting

  • Sound Therapy ~ Singing, humming, whistling, tuning forks 741 Hz

  • Foods ~ Fruit

  • Chanting their seed sound “HAM”

Possible cause for the energy blockages in Vishuddha are:

  • Swallowing your words

  • Difficulty expressing yourself

  • Suppressing or ignoring your creative talents

If any of this information is interesting to you or if you are recognizing that some of the symptoms are disrupting your ability to experience joy in your life, please feel free to schedule a complimentary first call with me and see if I am the right person for you, to help bring balance and flow to your chakras through the modalities that I offer.

Thank you for being here, thank you for being a loyal WEHS Blog reader! 

We have been moving up through the chakras quite nicely, I hope you’ve been practicing with them and seeing a difference. 

  • This week we welcome in Vishuddha (sometimes seen spelled Vissudha). We are now in the realm of the spiritual chakras. Remember last time we worked with Anahata, the ‘bridge’ between manifest in the lower 3 and Spirit in the upper 3 chakras? Out of the 7 most widely known chakras of the body, we are at #5.

    Let’s pause a moment, take a long deep breath in through the nose and exhale with a deep sigh making an audible sound…. HHHHHHAAAAAAA. Nice! 

    Making an audible sound on the exhale tells the body it’s ok to relax. I have to share something funny, this is how my dog and I communicate with each other that it's time to go to sleep. He does it (through his nose, not his mouth) then I follow suit and vice versa, then the lights turn out and it’s dreamtime.

    Vishuddha is:

    • The 5th chakra up from the bottom. 

    • Located at the pit of the throat. 

    • Represented by the color blue, sky blue or light turquoise blue

    • Shown having 16 petals (the expression of it’s vibratory frequency)

    • Associated with the seed sound HAM (the A sounds like “uh” in Sanskrit like when you say yog’uh’) 

    • Develops between 7-12 years old

    • Associated with the metal and the planet Mercury

    • Related to the element Ether

    • The essence of communication

    • Tied in with the sense of hearing

    “Sound, vibration, rhythm, music, voice, words, communication. These are all aspects of the 5th chakra, located in the throat, literally the bottleneck of the whole chakra system. It’s name, Vissudha, means purification, as the release of sound purifies the energy body for entry into higher consciousness.”

    ~ Anodea Judith

    The chakras are associated with different body parts and organs and sometimes share these parts with other chakras. Vishuddha is associated with:

    • Throat

    • Neck & cervical spine

    • Mouth (teeth, tongue, gums,)

    • Ears

    • Sinus

    • Respiratory System

    • Thyroid

    • Esophagus 

    • Shoulders

    • Arms

    • Hands

    • Balancing of YIN & YANG (Female & Male)

    This chakra corresponds to your abilities (or lack of) in the following areas:

    • Strength of will

    • Personal expression

    • Following one’s dream

    • Using personal power to create

    • Capacity to make decisions

    • Communicating clearly

    Here are a few ways that an imbalanced (excessive and deficient) Vishuddha chakra presents in both physical and emotional symptoms:

    • Sore throat

    • Issues with the mouth

    • TMJ (lock jaw)

    • Stiff neck

    • Thyroid problems

    • Swollen glands 

    • Tonsillitis 

    • Ear aches

    • Unable to listen to others

    • Gossiping

    • Excessive criticism 

    There are many ways to work with healing, balancing, and supporting the chakras. You can use these for Vishuddha:

    • Color therapy ~ Light blue

    • Crystal therapy ~ Turquoise, Blue Lace Agate, Chrysocolla, Aquamarine 

    • Affirmation ~ I communicate my intentions clearly

    • Movement ~ Yin Yoga 

    • Meditation ~ Chanting

    • Sound Therapy ~ Singing, humming, whistling, tuning forks 741 Hz

    • Foods ~ Fruit

    • Chanting their seed sound “HAM”

    Possible cause for the energy blockages in Vishuddha are:

    • Swallowing your words

    • Difficulty expressing yourself

    • Suppressing or ignoring your creative talents

    Please reach out to me if you would like to work 1:1 with your chakras through the modalities that I offer by emailing me at

    Thank you for being here, thank you for being a loyal WEHS Blog reader! 

    We only have 2 more chakras to go! Stay tuned for more empowering subjects with Women’s Empowered Health Solutions!


Chakra Series Blog Ajna


Chakra Series Blog Anahata