Hello and welcome to my blissful life!

I’m Rose Velasco, Certified Healing Arts Specialist and Creator of my experience of life.

Meet Rose,

founder of

Women’s Empowered Health Solutions.

About Me

Everyone has a story. Every story is as unique as the patterns of a snowflake. Some simple, straight and safe. Some detailed, jagged and complicated.

Mine is definitely detailed and complicated, but I prefer the term “colorful’ over complicated.

There’s a popular saying these days, “You are the creator of your life experience.” Maybe it’s not so popular, maybe I just see it a lot since I grasped the idea that I’ve been living this concept since I left home at the ripe old age of 16.

This is my second rendition of my “About Me” Page on this site, which is really my virtual home. Welcome to my home by the way. The first one was the size of a novel and at the rate of attention span these days… Need I say more?

I don’t want to excite you to death with all the details, I’ll just save that for an actual novel. But I would like to get a point across, you ARE the creator of your life.

To put everything into perspective, I’m currently 53 years old and I created every experience, every single action packed plot twist in my story through choice. From teen run-away, to cross country wanderer, to single mother raising a son while rocking a career as a Harley Davison technician, to a midlife downshift from fifth gear to second and a sharp right turn.

What does that really mean though?

I woke up one day, after 17 years of proving myself in a male dominated industry and dropped a healthy income along with the keys to another life experience on the bosses desk and set up to try and find the meaning of life again. Or to find me? I’ve taken so many risks in life, what’s one more?

That was 11 years ago. I found myself back in school. I mastered fixing broken bikes, but I had no idea how to fix myself.

You see, my whole life I felt broken, like I was missing a part…of me. But I had no idea what was missing or why. Even though I knew I wanted to create a career for myself, a life for myself where I could care for people and care for myself, there was no set direction. I kept changing, just like the previous 26 years of my life. But for reasons, albeit, unknown.

At 24 years old, I became a single mother.

At age 42, I was aiming for a two year associates degree in Western Herbalism and Holistic Nutrition. Little did I know, I enrolled into THEE Hotel California of holistic schools. After several plot twists and right turns, 4 1/2 years later, I graduated with an AOS Degree as a Healing Arts Specialist with certifications in Alternative Psychology, Holistic Nutrition, Advanced Yoga Teacher and Transformational Life Coaching.

A few more plot twists, a “pandemic” and several more certifiable learning experiences later and I’ve hit the bull’s-eye, almost unscathed!

Almost unscathed? Remember when I said “I want to get a point across”? Here it is.

In the middle there, just after graduating, I ran away again and stumbled off my path for a couple years. I took a nosedive into some really colorful mud. “We create our experience of life through choice.”

You’ll have to wait until I write my autobiography or maybe I’ll shoot for sharing on a TedX someday. I liken my life to several small experiences of Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero’s Journey”. This was one of those smaller journeys but boy was it powerful and necessary!

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer.

Always remember, you have within you the strength, patience, and passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

— Harriet Tubman

  • You were never taught how to be aware of your body or how to cope with your emotions.

  • You never got the “sex talk” from a parent or family member. 

  • You just guessed how life was all supposed to be and made it up as you went along.

If we are anything alike, chances are…

Or maybe you did have all of the support you needed and are just curious how you can support yourself and your body holistically and synergistically.

Because you, like me, don’t think that the Western medicine approach and pharmaceutical companies always fix the answers to all of your problems.

Either way, chances are, you found me because you’re looking for some answers or remedies to the issues you are facing and probably looking to reinvent the next stage of your life.

Let’s face it, aging as a woman comes with major change.

Whether that be physical, emotional, mental, or a combination of them all, I want you to know that you don’t have to trek this journey alone.

I’m so glad you made it here! 

I hope you poke around my site and find something that resonates with you and learn how my services may be of help.


My Certifications

  • Alternative Healing Arts Specialist through Southwest Institute of Healing Arts

  • 800CYT Master Yoga Teacher through Spirit of Yoga/SWIHA

  • Advanced I AM Yoga Nidra™ Facilitator through Amrit Yoga Institute

  • Transformational Life Coach through SWIHA

  • Sound Healing, Crystals & Chakra Healing, Sacred Ceremony Specialist through Life Changing Energy Institute

  • Transformational Retreat Leader through Wanderlust Entrepreneur

  • Soul Realignment® Practitioner through Soul Realignment® Andrrea Hess

  • Reiki Practitioner through Natural Healer


I am the youngest of 6 children, and both of my parents worked full-time jobs.

My after-school hours were usually spent out running around, causing chaos.

I was in the clear as long as I was home when the street lights came on. But it was always a thrill to sneak out late at night to hang out with friends. 

I like to say, “I am a child survivor of the 70s”. I believe it gave me grit.

I was quite rebellious and had run away 3 times before I finally moved out at the age of 16.

I was not in touch with my feminine energy whatsoever.

I never tracked my moon cycle, didn't know what self-care was, and never felt comfortable in my skin.

I only really knew how to survive and how to self-medicate with the usual street drugs of the mid-80s-early 90s.

To the detriment of my mental and physical health, this lack of self-awareness and self-respect went on for years until I became pregnant and a single mother.

That was my cue to make a major change in my life, and I went to school to be a Harley-Davidson technician.

I went on for 17 years in a male dominated industry, not understanding why I had anxiety, depression, and suffered from ADD and another 9 years searching for true purpose.

It wasn’t until I discovered Soul Realignment® and the Akashic records that everything fell into place.

Through my myriad of experiences in life, I have learned that it takes the driving force of BIG disruption to create BIG change.


While attending the full year of holistic nutrition, I had aspirations to start my own dehydrated snack company.

That morphed into a nutrition coaching business, teaching people how to eat seasonal, organic, unprocessed, and local foods.

Symply S.O.U.L.

I named it Symply S.O.U.L.

I have food sensitivities and other people are always asking me about what foods to eat for certain issues, so I like to stay abreast of the latest nutrition-based discoveries and suggestions.

Blue Sky Green Mat Yoga

4 years of schooling at SWIHA flew by. I graduated as a Certified Holistic Healing Arts Specialist.

I focused on Yoga and meditation while working in studios and started a yoga business teaching classes outdoors.

I named that business Blue Sky Green Mat Yoga.

It also included teaching for 3 years in local studios and being teacher’s assistant in the Yoga teacher training program that I had attended years prior.

These were all great experience and they were all meant to be a part of my life path but as I had mentioned earlier, it wasn’t until I discovered my true Divine Nature through Soul Realignment® and the Akashic Records that I realized what I came into this incarnation for and got on the right track to live my Divinity!

How I am serving today,

I am so passionate about my results from the combination of holistic methods that I have to share them with other women that feel like they are suffering through this incarnation of life and seeking to create a more meaningful and blissful experience of life!

“A bird does not know the freedom that flight brings until it lets go of the branch.”