Yoga Nidra Coaching for peaceful and intentional living.

Who is it for?

This Yoga Nidra meditation and coaching experience is for women who suffer from emotional ups and downs, sleepless nights, trouble ridding themselves of unhealthy habits, and painful memories that affect their lives today.

Life is a series of journeys.

Some of them are more challenging than others.

When walking the path of more challenging journeys, you can sometimes experience moments when memories of the past come up. 

Uncomfortable memories that drop you to your knees crying.

Do you find these memories crippling?

Where you can’t seem to get out of a mental funk, and you're cycling the unpleasant past experience through your mind over and over again?

Maybe you have several bad days in a row, and you find yourself pleading and praying to get some relief.

Wishing you could get back to a state of mind where you feel clear-headed, happy and experience good days.

Aren’t the good days so much better?

Or maybe the journey has become a cycle that looks like this

  • You decide to quit a habit that is no longer serving you. You quit the habit cold turkey. 

  • The new diet, the exercise program, and the refraining from drinking work for a few weeks or a month, and you’re feeling great. 

  • Then a little voice inside tells you it’s ok to just have this one cake, to skip exercising this week, to have this one night of drinking and your mind starts to think.

  • You’re feeling confident that you’ve got a handle on what’s keeping you down, but that little voice that says “Let’s celebrate! One won’t hurt!” or “you can skip the self-care this once (__fill in the blank__) is so much more important.” starts to get louder and more frequent.

  •  Before you know it you have fallen back into the same habit you tried so hard to quit.

These are some examples of what suffering from Samskaras looks like.

Samskaras Are Like Scars

Samskaras are impressions, on the psyche, left from past experiences. 

They can be experiences from any period of life, even as far back as age 1-2 that you may not even remember. 

Many impressions were pushed out of the mind before allowing yourself to process them.

Some can be good.

Like the ones that make us aware of not chasing a ball out into the street.

Others can be not so helpful, like when your first love cheated on you with another person, and now you have a hard time trusting in a current relationship.

But You Don’t Have To Suffer!

I know!

I used to be miserable and suffer through my days.

Now, I’m living free and peaceful!

What is Yoga Nidra?

To pray is to ask, and to meditate is to listen. Think of intention as the ‘ask’ (putting it out there to the Universe) and meditation as the internal ‘listening.’ 

Yoga Nidra is a deep-sleep-based guided meditation that uses a series of body, breath, and awareness techniques to disconnect from the thinking mind and reconnect to the feeling body. This practice uses intention (Sankalpa) to create positive shifts in waking life.

How can Yoga Nidra Help?

Through a regular practice of Yoga Nidra

  • Your body can rest deeply ~ Allowing you to feel rested during your waking hours. Something you may not get much of these days.

  • Samskaras and energy blockages are removed ~ Softening the triggers that cause anger, frustration, resentment, and judgment. Making the mind less ‘cluttered’ with garbage.

  • Unhealthy habits melt away ~ Giving more freedom to explore new healthy habits that leave you feeling clean and revitalized.

  • Body, mind, and soul are awakened and in alignment with your higher self ~ where you can manifest a new experience of life through intention.

How Does Yoga Nidra Work?

With Yoga Nidra meditation the recipient is as comfortable as possible lying down on the back (if lying down with the eyes closed triggers trauma, sitting up is preferred). 

The facilitator then guides the recipient into a relaxed state using breath and body awareness techniques.

When listening to the facilitator, with detached awareness, the brainwaves slow down and thoughts go from screaming (Beta state) to a slight whisper (Delta state). 

You can be deeply relaxed and alert at the same time. The Yoga Nidra meditation can last anywhere from 30-50 minutes.

Here is an example of the different stages of Nidra

Stage 1 Yoga Nidra (between Alpha & Theta)

  • Dreamlike images with facilitators guidance

  • Internal monologue/chatter but not engaging

  • Noticeable ‘different’ state if asked to come back

Stage 2 Yoga Nidra (Theta)

  • In & out of awareness

  • Can hear words but not make sense

  • Not hearing the facilitator at all

Stage 3 Yoga Nidra (Delta)

  • No physical awareness, trancelike state

  • Takes time to come back, may feel unable to move for a few minutes

  • May not hear the facilitator at all

  • May come back thinking you fell asleep

*YN 1 & 2 may be experienced as a paradoxical stillness - the body is deeply relaxed and the mind is awake and present.

What does the Yoga Nidra Coaching program offer?

Sessions of Yoga Nidra coupled with coaching look like this:

  • 12 personalized and pre-scheduled Zoom sessions for the same time each week to create consistency, self-accountability, and self-empowerment in your unique healing process.

  • One-half hour spent listening to what's not currently working in your life. Whether that be something like triggered anger, desire for habit change, grieving a broken relationship, trouble sleeping or another issue you may be having that is keeping you from living a life of serenity.

  • 30-50 minutes of guiding you into and out of deep, restful,  meditation to tackle issues like a restless mind, difficulty focusing, and trouble falling asleep.

  • Action steps and self-assessment emailed directly to you, to support the intention you set for the changes you wish to make and to hold yourself accountable in doing the work.

  • 1 weekly email correspondence for addressing questions you may have about your Yoga Nidra to help bring clarity to your experience.

  • Your recorded sessions are emailed directly to you for your personal library, to be listened to again and again. 

    • 5 times per week for healing

    • 2-3 times per week for maintenance 

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