Chakra Series Blog Svadhisthana

Welcome back to Women’s Empowered Health Solutions Chakra Series Blog!

How did it go with the Root chakra? did you find any areas that might align with what you learned? Keep reading and you’ll soon discover how it’s usually more than one chakra that needs some help.

I’m honored to bring you the next chakra in this Chakra series! Today we work with Svadhisthana (the ‘v’ a little like a soft ‘w’), also known in English as the Sacral Chakra. The key word for this chakra is “moving”.

“Beneath heaven nothing is more soft and yielding than water. 

Yet for attacking the solid and strong,

Nothing can take its place.

Therefore the soft can overcome the hard,

 The weak can overcome the strong.

Under heaven, everyone knows this,

Yet no one puts it into practice.”

~ Tao Te Ching

Where Muladhara represents Earth, Svadhisthana represents water. Water follows the path of least resistance and flows downward, following the shapes and watering the roots of the Earth.

Earth is solid and fixed , however, water invites change and flow.

Once our basic needs are met, when our roots have been sufficiently watered, we feel safe to journey into our own place of emotion, sexuality, and the senses

Our bodies are made up of mostly water, are shaped by the structure of our muscles and bones, and within these bodies flow our emotions and desires, wants and needs, feelings and sensations.

The principle of this chakra is pleasure. Whether viewing a piece of art or a beautiful sunset, tasting a delicious meal, listening to soothing music, or savoring a lover’s touch, pleasure is a natural healing force provided through all the senses.

Svadhisthana is 

  • The 2nd one up of the lower 3 chakras associated with the physical body

  • Located below the navel and above the pubic bone.

  • The color orange

  • Is shown having 8 petals (the expression of their vibratory frequency)

  • Associated with the seed sound VAM (the A sounds like “uh” in Sanskrit like when you say yog’uh’

The chakras are associated with different body parts and organs and sometimes share these parts with other chakras. Svadhisthana is associated with:

  • Lumbar spine 

  • Abdomen

  • Spleen

  • Appendix 

  • Urinary tract

  • Ovaries & Uterus

  • Blood sugar

  • Large intestines

  • Kidneys

  • Bladder

  • Pelvis & Hips

  • Taste

This chakra corresponds to your:

  • Sexuality

  • Duality

  • Creative expression

  • Giving & receiving pleasure

  • Well-being 

  • Relationships

  • Abundance

  • Senses

  • Ability to express emotional and sexual needs

⚖️ Here are a few ways that an imbalanced (excessive and deficient), Sacral chakra presents in both physical and emotional symptoms:

  • Sexual addiction

  • Excessive mood swings

  • Poor boundaries and invasion of others

  • Reproductive issues

  • Chronic low back pain and sciatica

  • Kidney problems

  • Pelvic pain

  • Frequent UTIs

  • Guilt & blame

  • Lack of creativity & confidence

  • Rigidity in body and beliefs

  • Lack of desire, passion or excitement


There are many ways to work with healing, balancing, and supporting the chakras. You can use these for Svadhisthana:

  • Color therapy ~ Orange

  • Crystal therapy ~ Carnelian, Amber, Sunstone

  • Affirmation ~ I am sensitive and strong

  • Movement ~ Yoga, ecstatic dance, swimming, nature walks

  • Meditation ~ Nidra 

  • Sound ~ 417 Hz

  • Foods ~ Orange colored foods, oranges, juicy fruits (not the gum 😉)

  • Hydration 

  • Touch ~ Intimate

  • Chanting ~ “VAM”

*Possible cause of a Sacral chakra energy blockage is sexual abuse or trauma.

If any of this information is interesting to you or if you are recognizing that some of the symptoms are disrupting your ability to experience a joyful life, please feel free to schedule a complimentary first call with me to see if I am the right person for you, to help bring balance and flow to your chakras through the modalities that I offer. I offer distance healing and can work with you over the phone, zoom and even email if that's your only option. 

Thank you for being a loyal WEHS Blog reader! 🙏🏼🧡

We’ll see ya next time for Manipura, your inner power and courage! 🦁

Much love 🌹Rose


Chakra Series Blog Manipura


Chakra Series Blog Muladhara