Finding Calm in the Storm

This blog post is about transforming life from frustration, anger, sadness, confusion, uncertainty, drama, and chaos to one of love, peace, positive focus, and clarity. If this interests you, read on… if not…scroll on. 

I’ve spent the last couple of weeks thinking deeply about the last two years of my transformation of the fore mentioned states of being.

I even found an old journal from the beginning of this continued transformation and read a little bit of it, which brought me to a deeper understanding of this human experience.

This is my take on it.

When a person is stuck in an overall state of unhappiness, unrest, confusion, denial or any of the other lower energies, the easiest and quickest thing to do is escape the current reality consuming them by changing the state of mind with alcohol, drugs, gambling, eating, shopping or some other form of subconscious escape. 


It’s Monday morning, and the consensus that I’ve observed from people is that “MONDAY SUCKS”.

You’re either back at work from a weekend off or you’re back looking for a job, or whatever the circumstances may be. But you’ve got “MONDAY SUCKS” ingrained in your brain…(you’ve already started your week off on that foot energetically… you’ve just sent the Universe the message that you want more of that type of energy).

You’ve got 5 days ahead of you to contend with in this state of mind so the Universe gives it to you. 

Don’t get me wrong, there may be some good experiences tucked into those 5 days, and maybe the week will go in your favor. 

But then you watch the news and get sucked into a state of fear or sadness, perhaps you get cut off on the way to work and can’t shake the anger, maybe there’s a traffic jam that makes you late for work and you feel behind for the rest of the day. Maybe you get a notification that an unexpected charge nearly emptied your bank account. 

These are generalized situations that can and do occur to many people every day. Nonetheless, they are real and the human default is to let these experiences drive our reality. 

So what happens next? 

The thoughts of escaping this reality start creeping into the subconscious and that glass of wine is sounding so good. Or “I’m gonna get so high after work that I can’t feel my face”. Or “I could really use a shopping spree! A new pair of shoes, a new dress, a new giant screen TV is just what I need!” Maybe even “Ooo I’m gonna play the lottery or go to the Casino and win big!”. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s Friday and you have a busy weekend ahead so you get your stimulant of choice to keep you productive, happy, social, and “sober enough to drive”… (that was MY escape).

These are all ways to “feel better” at the moment. To escape reality and shelve the uncomfortable emotions that we’ve gathered from these experiences.

This is a human experience. It comes with being the imperfect humans that we are and there is nothing wrong with wanting to feel better, to feel good, to get a break from reality. But is that good feeling that comes from these actions sustainable?

  • Is that glass or bottle of wine going to bring happiness tomorrow morning?

  • Is the excitement and newness of that giant TV or new pair of shoes going to last forever?

  • Is winning the lotto or that big sum of cash at the casino going to solve all of your problems?

  • How are you going to feel when that bag of instant energy runs out and you are face-to-face with reality again?

The answer is no, these are not sustainable methods for experiencing true happiness and peace. These are not ways to make suffering just magically go away. The feeling of relief that we get from these methods of escape is only temporary.

Now, I want to assure you that 

  1. This blog IS NOT written by AI!

  2. I am not just spouting out of my backside…I have experienced everything I am talking about.

If this is still interesting to you and resonates with your current life experience, please keep reading. 

If not, and you are happy with how your life is unfolding, if you are walking your Dharma (your life purpose) it’s ok to stop reading, keep doing what you are doing in life, if it’s not broken don’t fix it, right? 

So how then? How do we suffer less and love more? How do we experience peace in a world of chaos? How do we cope with these emotions and this human experience? 

Let me first state, that I don’t know it all, I’m not perfect, I still experience these emotions. I am simply a spiritual being having human experiences.  But I can tell you that since I hit rock bottom nearly 2 years ago, I made a commitment to myself on September 5, 2021, that I was going to use all of the knowledge that I have acquired from many years of mindfulness and holistic education to change my life. 

It has taken me 2 years of practicing, clean eating, yoga, meditation, self-observation and reflection, growing my spiritual study and connection to a power greater than me, and most of all surrender to come to the conclusion that is this post. I am still learning and growing. Transformation, spiritual realization, and growth do NOT happen overnight. It can take a lifetime. It’s a journey.

I can honestly say that I DO still experience the not-so-fun things like, traffic jams, unaware drivers, unhappy news, unkind people, aches and pains in my body, a range of emotions that bubble up inside, and desires of taking the easy route of escape. Sometimes I forget to consciously breathe and be “in the moment” which can lead to frustration that will sometimes come out in the tone of my voice, I am still human after all, and recognize this.

However, with the realization that the easy route is NOT sustainable, and makes life even harder, I make a daily commitment to strive for being a little bit better at life today than I was yesterday. To stay with my meditation practice, my self-study, and spiritual study. To try my best at being aware of my thoughts, words, and actions. And I make it a point to NOT act on impulse when it comes to the desire of taking the easy route.

In the past 2 years, I have cultivated peace and love. I don’t need to look for happiness outside of myself,  I now have the best relationship I could ever imagine…with myself. My Dharma has been revealed and that is where my focus is. I am here to be transparent, authentic, and open so that I can be of service to others and be of help in finding peace and love, in finding calm within the storm.

Life is hard. Our spirits did not come to this Earthly plain for an easy ride. We came here to experience the suffering, to learn from it and grow, to coexist with other spirits that are also here to learn and grow. 

We grow by being of service to others. By walking our Dharma, our life purpose.

Has your Dharma been revealed? Do you remember why you came here?

Before our spirit came, we decided the life we needed to experience so we could grow. But as humans, most of us forgot what our purpose was. Maybe it’s because if we maintained that Akashic knowledge we wouldn’t experience the suffering for the required growth that the spirit intended. With suffering comes lessons from which we learn and grow on the human plane of existence. Is it the same on a spiritual plane? I lean towards yes.

I understand if this concept goes against what you’ve been taught or what you believe. Everyone is different and that’s the beauty of being human. But think about expanding your mind just a little. Are we really all that different? Can every belief system have even one similarity? Are you open to considering that?

I experience some profound realizations, that I never even imagined when I sit in silence.  Have you considered sitting in silence? Turning off the songs with words, turning off the TV, turning off the computer, the phone, the alarms, the distractions and just listening to your higher self, your spirit?

I challenge you. To sit in silence. To surrender. To experience the uncomfortable emotions. To listen to the truth from your higher self. To stop the unconsious escape. To face the harshness of reality with curiosity and an open mind. To look for the Light within you. To look for the Universal Love that is deep within you.

I am going to leave you with just that and….from the depths of my heart and the Divine Light of my being, Namasté and Jai Bhagwan. 

In case you don’t know:

Namasté: The Divine Light within me sees and honors the Divine Light within you 🙏✨

Jai Bhagwan: Victory to your Spirit

Much Love and Gratitude to you for being here.



Chakra Series Blog Muladhara


My Personal Transformation